Brian Walpole Strength Coach N10

"London is an opportunist's dream, and a lazy man's nightmare."
A. Tell us about your grind - what do you do/make/create?
My focus is on upgrading people’s lives, inspiring them to take control of their health and all of the freedom that provides.
B. How would you describe working life in London?
London is an opportunist's dream and a lazy man's nightmare. It will grind you up if you don’t keep at the top of your game. There is no better city in the world to get ahead - if you have the right work ethic.
C. What is your morning ritual?
I usually wake around 5:30 am and have a high-protein, high-fat breakfast and a cup of black coffee. For the first hour after waking I don’t touch my phone. I spend 15 mins doing some stretching or meditation depending on how I am feeling and I plan my MITs for the day. My most important tasks. It gives me a focus for maximising the time I have that day to do something beneficial. Just one or two simple things, that will lead to a long-term goal.
D. What element of your work makes you want to wake up early, or put in the extra time until it's perfect?
Definitely working with people. I am a people person, and I love that my role as a trainer, and strength & conditioning coach, allows me to work with people in a very personal capacity. It can be profound the improvements you can make in people’s lives if you go about it the right way.
E. When do you feel the most accomplished?
Having a client or athlete tell me about how happy they are after putting in so much hard work. Most clients I meet are extremely hard on themselves, the world is a very competitive, judgmental place and often it’s their own view of themselves that prevents progress. So for me, the best feeling of accomplishment is when someone really feels they have made significant positive changes to their life and I have been a small part of that process.
F. How would you define 'success'?
Success for me is enjoying what you do, who you spend time with, and always moving forward.
G. What's your greatest motivation?
My amazing wife and newborn baby.
H. What's your advice for all the other Doers out there?
Stop comparing yourself to others. It’s so common regarding fitness goals and 99% of the time the targets are unrealistic. Set small achievable goals and continue to progress them, sounds simple - but it’s very hard to stick to, and incredibly effective.